The Necessary Rant


I woke up this morning thinking that I could finish all of my articles.  I could have never been more wrong.

The day started normally, with me waking up 2 hours after I set my alarm to go off.  I worked on a couple of articles for my American boss, and a couple for my Philippine-based job.  Around noon, it started to rain, but I thought, "Hey, it's raining, but that's okay."  After a loud clap of thunder, the fan beside me went dead.  And that was when everything started to go downhill.

The lights went back after 5 minutes and we were able to eat lunch without having to break out into a sweat.  I went back to my articles then the lights went out AGAIN after a few minutes.  I was starting to get annoyed, so I whipped out my old notebook for the teachings in BLD and rewrote where I left off.  The lights went back on, then I started on my articles again.  I transferred from the living room to my room, then, guess what? THE LIGHTS WENT OUT AGAIN.  Comet, my netbook, had a broken battery, so the power only lasted for 3 minutes after the lights went out.  My patience was wearing thin, so I decided to take a nap until the lights went back on again.  To my aghast, the electricity wasn't back yet when I woke up at 4PM.  Enraged and highly annoyed, I had 2 deadlines to meet, so I hurriedly took a bath and traveled to Bacolod to work.

Upon arrival at Starbucks, I saw that almost every seat was taken, plus the plugs were all taken.  Luckily for me, while waiting and ranting to somebody on the phone, somebody finished up and I was able to take his place.  I was feeling better already.  I started to work on my articles, and when I opened my files, I saw that one wasn't saved.  I tried retrieving it, but to no avail.  I didn't mind that much because I was only able to make 1 paragraph.  A few minutes later, I noticed that I couldn't log on to the internet.  I waited for a few minutes and tried refreshing and restarting Comet, PERO WALAAAAA. I had to travel all the way to Bacolod for what??? I went on a wild goose chase for nothing.  I did not make it to my 2 deadlines. KILL.ME.NOW.
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Searching For The Great WIFI Spot

Bacolod could sometimes be soooo frustrating. Walang ganito, walang ganyan. Rawr.

Well, I've been living in the next city (Talisay) for almost a decade, so I can't really say I reside in Bacolod although I spend most of my hours there (school, work, lakwacha, you name it! :D).

There have been on and off blackouts both in Talisay and Bacolod for the past few days, and I must say, that IT'S ANNOYING ALREADY. With an online job like mine, blackouts are a complete no-no.  To top it all off, Comet, my netbook, has a busted battery, which makes her an invalid when there is no electricity.  So, yeah, plugged to an outlet forever until I buy a new battery or get a new lappie (hello to my Ate Anne and my Kuya Eson!!!).

Talisay, sadly, does not have any coffee shops to boast of that have generators AND free wifi.  So yes, my city is more frustrating. :D

I've been packing my things to tag them along to a journey to find an internet haven.  Sadly, not many establishments open at 7:30AM that offer what I'm looking for.  Most have electricity but no WIFI. And finally, the only coffee shop that has saved my life for the past days is: STARBUCKS.  I cannot express my gratitude to my favorite hotspot.  Comfortable, but a tad too noisy whenever people flock during peak hours.  Oh well, go figure. :)

So  yes, I do work at Starbucks.  But not behind the bar.  :)

Starbucks, Bacolod branch.. The only one we have.
Thank you to Experience Negros for the picture. :)
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