The Munchies: M&S Dark Chocolate Digestive Biscuits

The yummy Marks & Spencer Dark Chocolate Digestive Biscuits!
Last week, I saw my dad carrying something red, and I immediately seized it.  I asked him what it was, and he answered that it came from my sister (who works in the hotel).  Looking down at the package, the name itself made my mouth water. MARKS & SPENCER DARK CHOCOLATE DIGESTIVE BISCUITS.

I opened the pack after 2 days, and I was very surprised with the taste.  The chocolate's dark taste and the biscuit's semi-sweet taste really go together.  I had to stop myself from eating too much!  Makes me wish I was in Manila, because Rustan's sells them.

I've always liked digestive biscuits.  I never bothered looking up why they were called "digestive" biscuits, because I liked them, enough said.  But once I did my research, I found out that these oh-so-yummy biscuits could be quite the deceivers.

Digestive biscuits, otherwise known as sweet meal biscuits, are semi-sweet biscuits that are popular in various countries.  They are called "digestives" because people believe that the biscuits contain antacid properties.  Many people presumed that when people eat this kind of business when they have upset stomachs, their stomachs immediately settle down.

The biscuit's taste is also very distinct, not like the crackers and other biscuits that can be found on the shelves in the supermarkets.  The typical digestive biscuit contains coarse brown wheat flour, which is responsible for that crumbly taste and texture.  These biscuits are perfect with tea or coffee.  Many people even "dunk" their biscuits into their tea or coffee and eat them quickly because they disintegrate right away (hmmm... does Oreo and milk ring a bell?)

Dieters should also keep their eye on the number of biscuits that they eat because, surprisingly, these "healthy" biscuits contain a lot of sugar!  And when they come with a chocolate top, they become even deadlier.

The bottom line is:

I have to watch out with these goodies.  They are really good, and it's so easy to eat everything in one sitting! But then, knowing what I'll be putting my body into jeopardy by finishing the whole pack, it somehow keeps my appetite at bay.

I'd definitely give these biscuits a grade of, from the scale of 1-10, a 9!  I really wanted to make it a 10, but with the deceit thing, about being good for digestion and all, gives it a minus point.
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